NGO,Foundation,Trust Website

ngo website


NGO, Foundation, Trust Website

1) Home : Home page contain logo, organization name, dynamic sliding banner, welcome message etc.

2) About us : About us contain details of organization, our mission and strategy , why choose us, government body, our team & bank details.

3) Our work : List of all services like health care, women empowerment, education, livelihood etc will be show there.

4) Event : List of all events, workshops, celebrities & guests details will be show there.

5) Our partner : Sponsors & media partner’s details can be show there.

6) Get involved : Donation details like donation form, payment option etc will be show there & pay also.

7) Notification : Important notice can be show there.

8) Gallery : All events and workshop photos, videos will be show there & also can be downloaded.

ngo website

Administrator panel

1) Secure login panel.

2) Change password & logout facilities.

3) New team : Admin can add & edit new staff details in this section.

4) View team : Here will show all staff.

5) New member : Admin can add & edit new member details in this section

6) View member : Here will show all members.

7) Gallery : All necessary files can be uploaded from admin panel that can see & also download from front panel.

8) Notification : Latest notice can set from admin panel & all notice will show in front panel.

9) New work details : Admin can add & edit new work details in this section.

10) View work details : Here will show all work details.

11) New event details : Admin can add & edit new event, workshop & guests details in this section.

12) View event details : Here will show all events, workshops & guests details.

13) New partner : Admin can add & edit new partners & sponsors details in this section.

14) View partner : Here will show all partners & sponsors details

15) Donations details : Admin can approve & cheek all donations details in this section

16) Customer section : All suggestions, complains and feedback details can be show here

17) Popup : Popup box can set from admin panel

18) Banner : Banner images will be uploaded by admin

19) Address : Phone1, Phone 2, Email 1, Email 2, Address can put from admin panel

If you want any additional features we can add it also.

Related words: Ngo website template, ngo website content, ngo website designs, ngo website development company, trust website templates, foundation website template, foundation website design.